MINERVA® is a paradigm-shifting marketing tool developed by ABACULUS GROUP. It facilitates deeper understanding of human thinking and decision making. It helps in decoding the actions and behavior of others. By simulating real situations, MINERVA® allows reproduction and analysis of behavior typical to such situations. It is both an approach and a system. It covers the end-to-end process of marketing communication, beginning with the initial question, all the way through to research and final implementation. This method, unlike others, is able to overcome distortion factors. In addition, it eliminates rational and posterior explanatory thinking. It also means participants don’t try to meet the expectations of the focus group leader, researcher or in-depth interviewer. It provides a much more genuine picture of what is really going on inside the participants when they have to make a choice or decision.

The method uses several psychological tools derived from psychodrama, psychoanalysis, cognitive and behavioral therapy, symbol therapy, art therapy and cultural anthropology. The analysis and observation of group dynamic processes play an important role in the conceptual background.